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Psychological profile of Church of England clergy (1327)

Type of Data: Psychological profile of Church of England clergy (1327)

Faith Community: Christianity (Church of England)

Date: 1999, September-2000, September

Geography: England

Sample Size: 1278 (65% response)

Population: Male stipendiary parochial Church of England clergy with at least five years' experience since ordination to the diaconate

Keywords: Archdeacons, bishops, burnout, caring, charismatic involvement, churchmanship, Church of England, clergy, depersonalization, emotional exhaustion, expectations, extra-parochial activities, extraversion, friends, job satisfaction, job stress, medical condition, ministry, neuroticism, parental images, parish, pastoral care, personal accomplishment, personality, prayer, professional support, psychological condition, psychoticism, roles, rural deans, spiritual director, spiritual life, stress, workload

Collection Method: Self-completion postal questionnaire

Collection Agency: Douglas Walter Turton

Published Source:

  • Douglas Walter Turton and Leslie John Francis, 'Assessing Ministerial Job Satisfaction: The Reliability of the Revised MJSS Among Male Anglican Clergy', Review of Religious Research, Vol. 44, 2001-02, pp. 169-72
  • Leslie John Francis and Douglas Walter Turton, 'Are Charismatic Clergy More Satisfied with Their Ministry? A Study Among Male Parochial Clergy in the Church of England', Mental Health, Religion and Culture, Vol. 5, 2002, pp. 135-42
  • Douglas Walter Turton, 'Pastoral Care of the Clergy', University of Wales, Bangor Ph.D. thesis, 2003
  • Leslie John Francis and Douglas Walter Turton, 'Recognising & Understanding Burnout Among the Clergy: A Perspective From Empirical Theology', Building Bridges Over Troubled Waters: Enhancing Pastoral Care and Guidance, eds. David Herl and Mark Laurence Berman, Lima: Wyndham Hall Press, 2004, pp. 307-31
  • Leslie John Francis and Douglas Walter Turton, 'Reflective Ministry and Empirical Theology: Antidote to Clergy Stress?', Hermeneutics and Empirical Research in Practical Theology: The Contribution of Empirical Theology by Johannes A. van der Ven, eds. Chris A. M. Hermans and Mary E. Moore, Leiden: Brill, 2004, pp. 245-65
  • Douglas Walter Turton and Leslie John Francis, 'The Relationship Between Parental Images and Ministerial Job Satisfaction Among Anglican Clergymen in England', Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 17, 2006, pp. 105-22
  • Douglas Walter Turton and Leslie John Francis, 'The Relationship Between Attitude Toward Prayer and Professional Burnout Among Anglican Parochial Clergy in England: Are Praying Clergy Healthier Clergy?', Mental Health, Religion and Culture, Vol. 10, 2007, pp. 61-74
  • Douglas Walter Turton, Clergy Burnout and Emotional Exhaustion: A Socio-Psychological Study of Job Stress and Job Satisfaction, Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2010

    BRIN ID: 1327


    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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