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Religious and paranormal beliefs and practices, attitudes to the papal visit to Britain (2140)

Type of Data: Religious and paranormal beliefs and practices, attitudes to the papal visit to Britain (2140)

Faith Community: General, Christianity (Roman Catholic Church), Alternative

Date: 1982, 6 September-15 October

Geography: Local survey. Leeds Metropolitan District (West Yorkshire)

Sample Size: 1630 (75% response)

Population: Adults aged 16 and over

Keywords: Afterlife, astrology, church attendance, churchgoing, clairvoyance, fate, fortune telling, ghosts, God, heaven, hell, Jesus Christ, John Paul II, life after death, luck, meditation, papal visit, paranormal, Pope, prayer, religious affiliation, religious broadcasting, religious experience, religious television, Roman Catholicism, self-assessed spirituality, spiritualism, supernatural, superstition, telepathy

Collection Method: Face-to-face interview

Collection Agency: Department of Sociology, University of Leeds

Sponsor: Economic and Social Research Council

Survey Instrument: Krarup, Conventional Religion and Common Religion in Leeds

Published Source:

  • End of Year Report, January 1982-January 1983: Conventional Religion and Common Religion in Leeds, University of Leeds Department of Sociology Religious Research Papers, No. 10, Leeds: the Department, [1983]
  • Helen Krarup, Conventional Religion and Common Religion in Leeds Interview Schedule: Basic Frequencies by Question, University of Leeds Department of Sociology Religious Research Papers, No. 12, Leeds: the Department, 1983
  • Kim Knott, 'Conventional Religion and Common Religion in the Media', University of Birmingham Institute for the Study of Worship and Religious Architecture Research Bulletin, 1984, pp. 65-86
  • Peter W. Brierley, What Are Churchgoers Like?, Bromley: MARC Europe, 1986, pp. 15-23

    BRIN ID: 2140


    Dataset available at ESDS as SN 1988. A parallel survey was undertaken among 212 undergraduates at the University of Leeds in November 1982

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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