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Belief in God and an afterlife, religious affiliation, churchgoing, and attitudes to the role of the Churches in Scotland and to sectarianism (2158)

Type of Data: Belief in God and an afterlife, religious affiliation, churchgoing, and attitudes to the role of the Churches in Scotland and to sectarianism (2158)

Faith Community: General, Christianity

Date: 1976, 23-30 August

Geography: Scotland

Sample Size: 1044

Population: Adults aged 15 and over

Keywords: Afterlife, anti-Catholicism, church attendance, churchgoing, Churches, church schools, faith schools, God, influence of the Churches, life after death, modern life, prejudice, religious affiliation, religious differences, religious education, Roman Catholics, Scotland, sectarianism, separate schools, voting

Collection Method: Face-to-face interview

Collection Agency: System Three Scotland

Sponsor: Glasgow Herald

Published Source:

  • Glasgow Herald, 11-13 October 1976

    BRIN ID: 2158


    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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