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Attitudes to current issues affecting the Roman Catholic Church and opinions of the Catholic Herald (2166)

Type of Data: Attitudes to current issues affecting the Roman Catholic Church and opinions of the Catholic Herald (2166)

Faith Community: Christianity (Roman Catholic Church)

Date: 1977, January

Geography: England and Wales

Sample Size: 13739, comprising 9341 readers of the Catholic Herald and 4398 of the Scottish Catholic Observer

Population: Readers of the Catholic Herald and Scottish Catholic Observer, mostly aged 16 and over

Keywords: Abortion, assembly, Bible, Catholic Herald, celibacy, change, charismatic renewal movement, child welfare, church attendance, churchgoing, church schools, collective worship, confession, converts, cradle Catholics, ecumenism, English Mass, environment, finance, financial contributions, Holy Communion, housing, language, Latin Mass, lay participation, marriage, missions, music, Northern Ireland, old people, parish councils, political prisoners, pornography, prayer, priests, racial justice, religious education, retreats, Roman Catholic Church, sexual equality, sign of peace, social issues, third world, Tridentine Mass, Vatican Council, vernacular, vocations to the religious life, voting, worship

Collection Method: Self-completion postal questionnaire

Collection Agency: Social Surveys (Gallup Poll)

Sponsor: Catholic Herald

Published Source:

  • Catholic Herald, 25 March, 1 and 8 April, 12 and 19 August 1977
  • Scottish Catholic Observer, 25 March, 1 and 8 April 1977

    BRIN ID: 2166


    Self-selecting sample, mostly in the ABC1 social categories, especially in England and Wales. A parallel survey was also conducted among readers of the (Irish) Catholic Standard (n = 5,774)

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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