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State of Christianity in Glasgow in the mid-1950s, including censuses of membership and churchgoing and a study of the impact of evangelistic campaigns and parish missions (2437)

Type of Data: State of Christianity in Glasgow in the mid-1950s, including censuses of membership and churchgoing and a study of the impact of evangelistic campaigns and parish missions (2437)

Faith Community: Christianity

Date: 1954-1956 (including censuses of church attendance on 25 April, 2, 9 May 1954, 1, 8, 15 May 1955 and 29 April, 6, 13 May 1956)

Geography: Local survey. Glasgow

Population: Local church leaders of 23 Christian denominations, and church attenders

Keywords: Baptism, Bible classes, Billy Graham, church attendance, churchgoing, church members, clergy, evangelism, finance, giving, parish missions, stipends, Sunday school, youth work

Collection Method: Face-to-face interview, self-completion questionnaire and enumeration of church attendance

Collection Agency: John Highet

Sponsor: Third Statistical Account of Scotland

Published Source:

  • John Highet, 'The Churches', The Third Statistical Account of Scotland: Glasgow, eds. James Cunnison and John Brodie Smith Gilfillan, Glasgow: Collins, 1958, pp. 713-50

    BRIN ID: 2437


    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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