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Perceived problems and solutions in relations between Muslims and non-Muslims (2800)

Type of Data: Perceived problems and solutions in relations between Muslims and non-Muslims (2800)

Faith Community: Islam, Judaism

Date: 2006, 13 April-2 May (GMI survey) and 2006, 29 April-28 May (Muslim Voice UK survey)

Geography: United Kingdom

Sample Size: 1360 in GMI survey, including an over-sample of Jews and Muslims (1002 general public, 103 Jews and 264 Muslims); 242 in Muslim Voice UK survey

Population: Adults aged 18 and over (GMI survey) and Muslims aged 18 and over (Muslim Voice UK survey)

Keywords: 7/7, 9/11, Abu Ghraib, Afghanistan, alienation, anti-terror legislation, Arabic, Britishness, Caliphate, Chechnya, clash of civilizations, Danish cartoons, democracy, deportation, discrimination, education, employment, European Union, extradition, extremism, face veils, faith schools, foreign policy, freedom of speech, fundamentalism, government, Guantanamo, hatred, headscarves, homosexuality, human rights, imams, immigration, integration, Iraq, Islam, Islamic dress, Islamophopbia, Israel, Kashmir, Koran, legislation, London bombings, mainstream society, media, Middle East, mosques, multiculturalism, Muslims, Muslim world, national identity cards, non-Muslims, Muslim states, nuclear weapons, oil, Palestine, Palestinian state, prejudice, Prophet Mohammed, public enquiry, public services, radicalization, religious affiliation, religious education, religious leaders, segregation, Sharia, social inclusion, suicide bombings, terrorism, torture, United Nations, United States, violence, war on terror, West, Western civilization, women, youth

Collection Method: Online interview

Collection Agency: GMI (Global Market Insite) and Muslim Voice UK

Sponsor: Muslim Voice UK

Published Source:

  • Shaista Gohir, Understanding the Other Perspective: Muslim and Non-Muslim Relations, Birmingham: Muslim Voice UK, 2006

    BRIN ID: 2800


    The combined Muslim sample of 506 was somewhat skewed towards the middle class and the better educated

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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