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Religious beliefs, practices, and attitudes of readers of the Church Times, and their readership of the newspaper (3363)

Type of Data: Religious beliefs, practices, and attitudes of readers of the Church Times, and their readership of the newspaper (3363)

Faith Community: Christianity (Church of England)

Date: 2013, Summer and Autumn

Geography: Great Britain and Ireland

Sample Size: 4909 (38% clergy, 62% laity), of whom 3695 were Anglicans from England who attended church at least twice a month

Population: Clerical and lay readers of the Church Times

Keywords: Archbishop of Canterbury, Archbishops’ Council, baptism, Bible literalism, Bible reading, bishops, cathedrals, children, Christianity, church attendance, churchmanship, church organizations, church schools, Church Times, cohabitation, Creation, diocesan bishops, divorced and remarried people, electoral roll, evolution, faith schools, Fresh Expressions, General Synod, giving, God, Greenbelt, heaven, hell, Holy Communion, homosexuals, Jesus Christ, lay involvement, lay leadership, life after death, local church, local clergy, ministry, miracles, only true religion, ordination of celibate homosexuals, ordination of practising homosexuals, ordination of women, prayer, pre-marital sex, priests, religious books, religious conversion, religious courses, religious education, religious experience, religious festivals, Resurrection, same-sex marriage, sense of belonging, sources of spiritual help, spiritual growth, Virgin Birth, volunteering, water into wine, weekday services, women

Collection Method: Self-completion online or postal questionnaire

Collection Agency: Professor Leslie Francis, University of Warwick and Dr Andrew Village, York St John University

Sponsor: Church Times

Survey Instrument: Church Times, 5 July and 4 October 2013

Published Source:

  • Church Times, 31 January, 7 and 14 February 2014
  • Andrew Village: ‘Nature or Nurture? What Makes People Feel Confident in Faith?’, Rural Theology, Vol. 13, 2015, pp. 82-93
  • Andrew Village, ‘Who Goes There? Attendance at Fresh Expressions of Church in Relation to Psychological Type Preferences among Readers of the Church Times’, Practical Theology, Vol. 8, 2015, pp. 112-29
  • Leslie John Francis and Andrew Village, ‘Go and Observe the Sower: Seeing Empirical Theology at Work’, Journal of Empirical Theology, Vol. 28, 2015, pp. 155-83
  •  Andrew Village, ‘Biblical Conservatism and Psychological Type’, Journal of Empirical Theology, Vol. 29, 2016, pp. 137-59
  • Leslie John Francis and Andrew Village, ‘Psychological Type and Reported Religious Experience: An Empirical Enquiry among Anglican Clergy and Laity’, Mental Health, Religion, and Culture, Vol. 20, 2017, pp. 367-83
  • Andrew Village, ‘What Does the Liberal-Conservative Scale Measure? A Study among Clergy and Laity in the Church of England’. Journal of Empirical Theology, Vol. 31, 2018, pp. 194-216
  • Andrew Village, The Church of England in the First Decade of the 21st Century: Findings from the Church Times Surveys, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018

    BRIN ID: 3363


    A self-selecting sample and disproportionately Anglo-Catholic or Broad Church. 92% of respondents lived in England. The questionnaire was printed in two issues of the newspaper (5 July and 4 October 2013) and also made available online, 46% of respondents completing the printed version and 54% the online version. The response rate equated to 21% of the newspaper’s circulation at that time.

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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