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Prevalence of Islamist and far-right extremism among young Britons (4032)

Type of Data: Prevalence of Islamist and far-right extremism among young Britons (4032)

Faith Community: Islam, Judaism

Date: 2019, 3-24 May

Geography: Great Britain

Sample Size: 1011 (British Muslims), 1011 white British non-Muslims

Population: British Muslims aged 18-30, white British non-Muslims aged 18-30

Keywords: Anti-Muslim sentiment, anti-Semitism, availability of jobs and training, Britain First, British culture under threat, British Legion, British society intrinsically anti-Muslim, CAGE, conflict between being Muslim and being British, countering far-right extremism, countering Islamist extremism, democracy, Democratic Football Lads Alliance, discrimination, education, engaging with non-Muslim institutions, establish a Palestinian state, Faith Matters, far-right extremism, fight to defend religion or culture, For Britain, friends, future, Generation Identity, government, help persecuted Christians abroad, Hizb-ut Tahrir, Holocaust, importance of religion, intervene with military force in Middle East, Islam, Islamic caliphate, Islamic Human Rights Commission, Islamic law, Islamist extremism, Israel, Jewish faith, Jewish people, Jews, justification for terrorism or political violence, Katie Hopkins, local church, local mosque, maintain global order, MEND, multiculturalism, Muslim Association of Britain, Muslim Council of Britain, Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK, Muslims, National Health Service, New Horizons in British Islam, no-go areas where Sharia law dominates, oppressive to women and minorities, Paul Joseph Watson, peaceful and diverse religion, politics, Prevent programme, preventing hate crime, preventing violent crime, promotes violence, provide development aid to Africa, religious affiliation, religious prejudice, represent British Muslims, respond to injustices towards Muslims abroad, Savanta ComRes, social housing, social integration, strengthen our borders, support refugees and asylum seekers, systematically targeted, Tell MAMA, tensions between British and Muslim identities, Tommy Robinson, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, treat fairly, unresolvable conflict between Islam and West, violent action, white people, Women’s Institute

Collection Method: Online interview

Collection Agency: Savanta ComRes

Sponsor: Tony Blair Institute for Global Change

Published Source:

  • Cristina Ariza and Sam Alvis, Resonating Narratives: The Scale of Islamist and Far-Right Extremism among British Young People, London: Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, 2020
  • http://www.comresglobal.com

    BRIN ID: 4032


    Supplementary qualitative research was conducted between 30 September and 4 October 2019, involving 57 adults in two online communities (one for British Muslims and the other for white British non-Muslims).

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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