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Religious attitudes of Muslims and perceptions of the impact of the West on the Muslim world (3933)

Type of Data: Religious attitudes of Muslims and perceptions of the impact of the West on the Muslim world (3933)

Faith Community: Islam

Date: 2011, June-August (wave 1), 2013, March-July (wave 2)

Geography: United Kingdom. Part of multinational survey

Sample Size: 400 (wave 1), 400 (wave 2)

Population: Muslims aged 18 and over

Keywords: Abt SRBI, Arizona State University, avoid religious conflict, central government, choose husbands, contact with people in different countries, defend faith, different religious preference, essential for economic development, expand democracy, halal food, hostile to Islam, initiate divorce, Islam, leadership roles, lower moral standards, loyal to country, Mawlid al-Nabi, Muslim women, Muslim world, Muslims, niqab, people in neighbourhood, pilgrimages to graves of religious leaders, polygamy, promote women’s rights, religious dress, religious intermarriage, resorting to violence, seek help of God through religious leaders, shake hands, Sharia law, sources of information on faith and religious issues, tasbih, trustworthy, Ummah, vote, wasilah, Western countries, worth personal sacrifice, zikr, ziyarah

Collection Method: Telephone interview

Collection Agency: Abt SRBI

Sponsor: Arizona State University, with funding from United States Department of Defense Minerva Initiative/Office of Naval Research

Published Source:

  • Steven R. Corman and Steven Hitchcock, ‘Media Use and Source Trust among Muslims in Seven Countries: Results of a Large Random Sample Survey’, Journal of Strategic Security, Vol. 6, No. 4, Winter 2013, pp. 25–43
  • Peyman Hekmatpour and Thomas J. Burns, ‘Perception of Western Governments’ Hostility to Islam among European Muslims before and after ISIS: The Important Roles of Residential Segregation and Education’, British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 70, 2019, pp. 2134–65

    BRIN ID: 3933


    Entitled ‘A Cross-National Survey of Muslim Attitudes’ (MAS). Multinational survey, undertaken in seven other countries (in West Africa, South-East Asia, and Western Europe), in addition to the UK. Respondents were randomly selected using a stratified sampling strategy. Datasets available at the Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA).

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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