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Census of church attendance and membership (1866)

Type of Data: Census of church attendance and membership (1866)

Faith Community: Christianity

Date: 1989, 15 October

Geography: England

Sample Size: 26424 (70% response)

Population: Christian congregations

Keywords: Church attendance, churchgoing, churchmanship, church membership, community aid, third world

Collection Method: Self-completion postal questionnaire

Collection Agency: MARC Europe. MARC Europe was a church leadership training agency sponsored by World Vision, which ran from 1983 to 1993. It subsequently became independent and was renamed as Christian Research.

Sponsor: Evangelical Alliance and World Vision of Britain

Survey Instrument: Brierley, Prospects for the Nineties, pp. 10-11

Published Source:

  • Peter Brierley, 'Christian' England: What the 1989 English Church Census Reveals, London: MARC Europe, 1991
  • Peter Brierley, Prospects for the Nineties: Trends and Tables from the 1989 English Church Census, London: MARC Europe, 1991
  • LandMARC, Easter 1991
  • Peter Brierley, Graham Brown, Boyd Myers, Harold Rowdon and Neil Summerton, The Christian Brethren as the Nineties Began, Carlisle: Paternoster Press, 1993, pp. 55-65
  • Churchgoers in England, District by District: Based on the Results of the 1989 English Church Census, London: Challenge 2000, [1995]

    BRIN ID: 1866


    Dataset available at ESDS as SN 2842

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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