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Level of interest in and approval for the papal visit to Britain, likelihood of seeing any of the events in person or on television, approval of any protests against the visit, and approval of the Pope becoming universal primate (2125)

Type of Data: Level of interest in and approval for the papal visit to Britain, likelihood of seeing any of the events in person or on television, approval of any protests against the visit, and approval of the Pope becoming universal primate (2125)

Faith Community: Christianity (Roman Catholic Church)

Date: 1982, 7-12 April

Geography: Great Britain

Sample Size: 944

Population: Adults aged 16 and over

Keywords: Anti-Catholicism, church attendance, churchgoing, demonstrations, ecumenism, John Paul II, papal visit, Pope, prejudice, protests, religious affiliation, television, universal primate

Collection Method: Face-to-face interview

Collection Agency: Social Surveys (Gallup Poll)

Sponsor: The Universe

Published Source:

  • The Universe, 23 April 1982
  • Church Times, 30 April 1982
  • Gallup Political Index, No. 262, June 1982, pp. 16-17

    BRIN ID: 2125


    Dataset available at the Roper Center as GBSSLT82-CQ812

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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