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Importance attached to religion, religious affiliation and practice, confidence in the Churches and other institutions, attitudes to people of a different religion (2584)

Type of Data: Importance attached to religion, religious affiliation and practice, confidence in the Churches and other institutions, attitudes to people of a different religion (2584)

Faith Community: General

Date: 2005, 1-18 December

Geography: Great Britain. Part of multinational survey

Sample Size: 1041

Population: Adults aged 15 and over

Keywords: Children, church attendance, Churches, churchgoing, church membership, confidence, democracy, different religion, importance of God, importance of religion, law, meaning of life, neighbours, prejudice, religious affiliation, religious authorities, religious faith, religious organizations, self-assessed religiosity, trust

Collection Method: Face-to-face interview

Collection Agency: GfK NOP

Sponsor: World Values Survey

Published Source:

  • http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org

    BRIN ID: 2584


    Multinational study, also undertaken in 55 other countries

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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