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Extent to which religion was a topic of conversation, a subject about which strong opinions were held and a matter of concern in terms of morality; religious attitudes to morality, values and standards of behaviour in the media; disapproval of television and radio programmes for their treatment of religion (2640)

Type of Data: Extent to which religion was a topic of conversation, a subject about which strong opinions were held and a matter of concern in terms of morality; religious attitudes to morality, values and standards of behaviour in the media; disapproval of television and radio programmes for their treatment of religion (2640)

Faith Community: General

Date: 2009, 7-25 March

Geography: United Kingdom

Sample Size: 2206, including booster samples from Wales and Northern Ireland and of ethnic and religious minorities

Population: Adults aged 16 and over

Keywords: British Broadcasting Corporation, broadcasting, bullying, conversation, importance of religion, internet, media, morality, newspapers, radio, religion, religious affiliation, religious humour, sex, sexual content, standards of behaviour, strong language, swearing, television, values, violence

Collection Method: Face-to-face interview

Collection Agency: Ipsos MORI

Sponsor: British Broadcasting Corporation

Published Source:

  • http://www.ipsos-mori.com

    BRIN ID: 2640


    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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