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Attitudes towards Jews and Israel (3755)

Type of Data: Attitudes towards Jews and Israel (3755)

Faith Community: Islam, Judaism

Date: 2016, 28 October-2017, 24 February

Geography: Great Britain

Sample Size: 4005 (national cross-section) plus booster samples of 298 for the far-right, 388 for the far-left, and 815 for Muslims

Population: Adults aged 16 and over

Keywords: Anti-Israelism, anti-Semitic statements, anti-Semitism, apartheid state, attendance at religious services, better than other people, boycott Israeli goods and products, British Jew, Christians, Community Security Trust, death penalty, exploit Holocaust victimhood, far-left, far-right, favourable opinion, get rich at expense of others, Hindus, Holocaust, Institute for Jewish Policy Research, interests of Israelis, interests of Jews, Ipsos MORI, Islamist extremists, Israel, Israelis, Jewish people, Jews, mass murder, Middle East, Muslims, myth, only real democracy in Middle East, Palestine, Palestinians, political or religious beliefs and values, positive contribution to British society, positive contribution to global society, prayer, religious affiliation, religious prejudice, self-assessed religiosity, Sharia, too much control over global affairs, too much power, unfavourable opinion, violence, Zionists

Collection Method: Face-to-face and online interview

Collection Agency: Ipsos MORI

Sponsor: Institute for Jewish Policy Research in partnership with the Community Security Trust and multiple funders

Published Source:

  • L. Daniel Staetsky, Antisemitism in Contemporary Great Britain: A Study of Attitudes towards Jews and Israel, London: Institute for Jewish Policy Research, 2017
  • David Graham and Jonathan Boyd, The Apartheid Contention and Calls for a Boycott: Examining Hostility towards Israel in Great Britain, London: Institute for Jewish Policy Research, 2019

    BRIN ID: 3755


    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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