Tag Archives: ministry

Money for Good and Other News

BRIN certainly cannot trump the unprecedented inauguration of new leaders of the global Catholic and Anglican communions within the same week. But, on a business-as-usual level, here are six more religious statistical stories for your edification. Money for good UK … Continue reading

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Same-Sex Relationships and the Ministry

The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland voted on Monday to continue dialogue on same-sex relationships and the ministry following consideration of the report on the subject by a Special Commission appointed in 2009. After several hours of debate, … Continue reading

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Scottish Kirk Statistics, 2010

The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the supreme court of the Kirk, is meeting in Edinburgh from 21 to 27 May. On the agenda is the report of the Legal Questions Committee, which includes (at appendices J-L) the … Continue reading

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More Church of England Statistics

The Church of England issued two statistics-related press releases on 28 October. The first concerned parochial finance for 2008 and licensed ministers for 2009, complementing the parochial affiliation and attendance data which were made available in February.  The financial statistics … Continue reading

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Recent Academic Journal Articles

There follow brief reports of three recent articles in academic journals. These are subscription-based, with free access only available to institutional and personal subscribers. A pay-per-view option is also offered via the relevant publisher websites. Journal of Beliefs & Values, … Continue reading

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Baptist Ministry Today

The Baptist Ministers’ Fellowship, a voluntary association of British Baptist ministers founded in 1939, has recently published the results of a survey of its members on the theme of ‘life in ministry’. The survey was organized by Revd Brian Jones, … Continue reading

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