Catholic School Statistics, 2011

A higher proportion of pupils at Roman Catholic schools come from the 10% most deprived areas than those attending English schools as a whole, the Catholic Education Service for England and Wales (CESEW) claimed in a press release on 30 January 2012, drawing on data from a Department for Education (DfE) study in 2009-10.

The release accompanied publication of the CESEW’s Digest of 2011 Census Data for Schools and Colleges, based on a 95% response to a survey of English and Welsh Catholic educational institutions in January 2011. It is available (together with the 2009 and 2010 digests) at:

The DfE data, summarized in appendix 4 of the 2011 Digest, revealed that 19% of pupils at Catholic primary schools lived in the 10% most deprived areas, compared to 14% of pupils at primary schools across England. At secondary level, 17% of pupils at Catholic schools lived in the 10% most deprived areas against 12% of pupils nationally.

The Service’s census enumerated 2,278 Catholic schools and colleges in England and Wales, 11 fewer than in 2010. 94% of these were in the maintained sector. Catholic schools represented 10% of all primary and secondary schools in England, but somewhat less (5% and 7% respectively) in Wales.

Catholic maintained schools were attended by 792,187 pupils in 2011, 1% more than returned in 2010. 71% of these maintained pupils were Catholics, albeit only 60% in Wales and 47% in sixth form colleges (moreover, in Catholic independent schools it was a lower proportion still, 38%). 78% of maintained pupils were white and 22% non-white.

The 39-page Digest contains a wealth of other statistics, besides those mentioned above, as well as sundry disaggregations by diocese. For pupils these include data on gender, withdrawal from collective worship, free school meals, looked after children, special educational needs, and post-16 retention.

Staff data, with breaks for Catholicity, are given for leadership teams, teachers, and support staff. Leadership teams are additionally profiled by gender and ethnicity; and teachers by possession of the Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies, incidence of teaching religious education, and ethnicity.


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  1. Pingback: Higher proportion of Catholic School students come from deprived areas | eChurch Blog

  2. Pingback: Inclusivity of Faith Schools | British Religion in Numbers

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