The Church Times for 12 February included a feature by Edwin Counsell on the Church in Wales’ 168 primary and four secondary schools. This highlighted the work of the Church in Wales Education Review, which has recently been completed after a three-year information-gathering exercise among the church, education and political communities of Wales.
The report on the Education Review can be found at:
It is written by Dr David Lankshear, statistics officer to the Education Review and, in its later phases, also its secretary. He is programme leader at the St Mary’s Centre, the national centre supporting religious education in Wales, which was established at St Deiniol’s Library in 2008. He has published widely in the field of church-related education, often in partnership with Professor Leslie Francis.
Appendix B (pp. 64-73) of the Education Review summarizes the statistical information about Church in Wales schools. This is partly collated from diocesan and local authority websites and from school performance data. However, special surveys were also undertaken in connection with the Review among Church in Wales incumbents, parochial church council (PCC) secretaries and parents of children attending Church in Wales schools.
A separate account of the surveys among clergy (n= 275) and PCC secretaries (n= 538) appears as David Lankshear and Mandy Robbins, ‘Church in Wales Schools: A Perspective from within the Church’, REview Wales, Vol. 1, No. 1, August 2009, pp. 4-9. This is available at:
Further papers by David Lankshear describing the statistical results of the Education Review are promised. He can be contacted at
2 Responses to Church in Wales Schools