Counting Religion in Britain, No. 65, February 2021 features 30 new sources of British religious statistics. The contents list appears below and a PDF version of the full text can be downloaded from the following link: No 65 February 2021
- Coronavirus chronicles: are things really looking up that much for the Churches?
- Coronavirus chronicles: Christian Aid poll on Covid-19 vaccines in developing nations
- Coronavirus chronicles: returning to places of worship after lockdown
- Coronavirus chronicles: Survation on lockdown of Scottish places of worship
- Coronavirus chronicles: religious correlates of attitudes to abortion in England
- Perceived importance of religion for getting ahead in life: KCL inequality poll
- The Together Initiative’s Our Chance to Reconnect report: religion questions
- ICM/Henry Jackson Society poll of UK adults and Black Britons: religion comparisons
- Savanta ComRes report on Church Leaders Panel for 2020
- Perceptions of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia as problems in the UK
- Coronavirus chronicles: reaching for the Bible in a time of pandemic
- Coronavirus chronicles: Church of England discussion paper on its prospects
- Coronavirus chronicles: the attitudes of churchgoing laity in the Church of England
- Coronavirus chronicles: survey of the views of Christian event organizers
- Coronavirus chronicles: Jewish mortality from Covid-19
- Community Security Trust’s anti-Semitic incidents report for 2020
- Coronavirus chronicles: the Muslim experience of Covid-19
- Attitudes of young British Christians towards climate change
- Church of England’s carbon footprint: first year’s data from energy tool
- On your marks! The decennial population census of England and Wales is on 21 March
- Scottish Surveys Core Questions: 2019 results released
- Coronavirus chronicles: University of York’s ‘Covid-19, Churches, and Communities’
- Coronavirus chronicles: launch of Evidence for Equality National Survey (EVENS)
- Coronavirus chronicles: impact of Covid-19 on London’s Strictly Orthodox Jews
- Renewal in the Baptist Union of Great Britain during the 1990s
- Theology and Religious Studies Provision in UK Higher Education (2019): A response
- Three recent articles in academic religion journals
- UK Data Service, SN 8767: Community Life Survey, 2019–2020
- UK Data Service, SN 8772: British Social Attitudes Survey, 2019
- Katie Harrison appointed Archbishop of Canterbury’s public affairs adviser
Please note: Counting Religion in Britain is © Clive D. Field, 2021