Counting Religion in Britain, No. 72, September 2021 features 15 new sources of British religious statistics. The contents list appears below and a PDF version of the full text can be downloaded from the following link: No 72 September 2021
- Savanta ComRes/Culham St Gabriel’s Trust poll on religious education
- Coronavirus chronicles: Savanta ComRes poll on prayer and church attendance
- Science versus religion: two questions from Special Eurobarometer 516
- Anti-Semitism and the Labour Party
- Online safety: public attitudes to anti-Semitic and Holocaust denial posts and comments
- Scottish views on increased immigration from Muslim-majority countries
- Coronavirus chronicles: the impact of the pandemic on English Anglican cathedrals
- Coronavirus chronicles: Quaker statistics for year-ending 31 December 2020
- Coronavirus chronicles: the Jewish experience of Covid-19
- National Secular Society’s new tool against faith schools: the local authority scorecard
- Centre for Muslim Policy Research paper on animal slaughter without pre-stunning
- Coronavirus chronicles: final report of British Ritual Innovation under Covid-19 project
- Coronavirus chronicles: the state of Anglican clergy morale one year into the pandemic
- Coronavirus chronicles: newspaper coverage of Muslims during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Five other recent academic publications
Please note: Counting Religion in Britain is © Clive D. Field, 2021