Experience of priesthood (1546)
Type of Data: Experience of priesthood (1546)
Faith Community: Christianity (Roman Catholic Church)
Date: 1996, May-1997, February
Geography: England and Wales
Sample Size: 1,482 (42% response)
Population: Roman Catholic parish priests
Keywords: Animals, bishops, burnout, cats, celibacy, change, Church, church schools, death, deference, depersonalization, dogs, dress, ecumenism, exhaustion, faith schools, Holy Communion, homosexuality, intercommunion, Jesus Christ, job satisfaction, laity, marriage, Mary, mystical orientation, Opus Dei, ordination of women, paedophilia, Pope, priesthood, priests, relationships, Rome, sex abuse, stress, theology, training, Vatican, women
Collection Method: Self-completion postal questionnaire
Collection Agency: Centre for Ministry Studies, University of Wales, Bangor
Published Source:
Stephen H. Louden and Leslie John Francis, 'The Personality Profile of Roman Catholic Parochial Secular Priests in England and Wales', Review of Religious Research, Vol. 41, 1999, pp. 65-79Leslie John Francis, Stephen H. Louden, Mandy Robbins and Christopher Rutledge, 'Unmasking the Clerical Persona: Interpreting the Correlation Between Neuroticism and Lie Scale Scores Among Roman Catholic and Male and Female Anglican Clergy', Mental Health, Religion & Culture, Vol. 3, 2000, pp. 133-41Leslie John Francis and Stephen H. Louden, 'The Francis-Louden Mystical Orientation Scale (MOS): A Study Among Roman Catholic Priests', Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 11, 2000, pp. 99-116Stephen H. Louden and Leslie John Francis, 'Are Priests in England and Wales Attracted to the Charismatic Movement Emotionally Less Stable?', British Journal of Theological Education, Vol. 11, 2001, pp. 65-76Leslie John Francis and Stephen H. Louden, 'Parish Ministry and Roman Catholic Regular Clergy: Applying Eysenck's Dimensional Model of Personality', International Journal of Practical Theology, Vol. 5, 2001, pp. 216-26Stephen H. Louden and Leslie John Francis, The Naked Parish Priest: What Priests Really Think They're Doing, London: Continuum, 2003Leslie John Francis and Stephen H. Louden, 'A Short Index of Mystical Orientation (SIMO): A Study Among Roman Catholic Priests', Pastoral Psychology, Vol. 53, 2004, pp. 49-51Leslie John Francis, Stephen H. Louden and Christopher Rutledge, 'Burnout among Roman Catholic Parochial Clergy in England and Wales: Myth or Reality?', Review of Religious Research, Vol. 46, 2004-05, pp. 5-19Leslie John Francis, Douglas W. Turton and Stephen H. Louden, 'Dogs, Cats, and Catholic Parochial Clergy in England and Wales: Exploring the Relationship between Companion Animals and Work-Related Psychological Health', Mental Health, Religion & Culture, Vol. 10, 2007, pp. 47-60
BRIN ID: 1546
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…