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Attitudes and personality of Church of England clergy (1647)

Type of Data: Attitudes and personality of Church of England clergy (1647)

Faith Community: Christianity (Church of England)

Date: 1993?

Geography: England

Sample Size: 1,071 (73% response)

Population: Church of England full-time male stipendiary parochial clergy

Keywords: Burnout, churchmanship, clergy, depersonalization, emotional exhaustion, extraversion, ministry, neuroticism, personal accomplishment, personality, psychological type, psychoticism, role, stress

Collection Method: Self-completion postal questionnaire

Collection Agency: Christopher Rutledge

Published Source:

  • Christopher Rutledge, 'Parochial Clergy Today: A Study of Role, Personality and Burnout Among Clergy in the Church of England', University of Wales, Lampeter M.Phil. thesis, 1994
  • Christopher Rutledge, 'Exploring Burnout Among Male Anglican Parochial Clergy: A Function of Role and Personality?', University of Wales, Lampeter Ph.D. thesis, 1999
  • Leslie John Francis, Stephen H. Louden, Mandy Robbins and Christopher Rutledge, 'Unmasking the Clerical Persona: Interpreting the Correlation Between Neuroticism and Lie Scale Scores Among Roman Catholic and Male and Female Anglican Clergy', Mental Health, Religion & Culture, Vol. 3, 2000, pp. 133-41
  • Leslie John Francis and Christopher Rutledge, 'Are Rural Clergy in the Church of England Under Greater Stress? A Study in Empirical Theology', Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 11, 2000, pp. 173-91
  • Leslie John Francis and Christopher Rutledge, 'Personality and Preference for Rural Ministry: Replication and Reconsideration', Pastoral Psychology, Vol. 53, 2004, pp. 43-8
  • Christopher Rutledge and Leslie John Francis, 'Burnout Among Male Anglican Parochial Clergy in England: Testing a Modified Form of the Maslach Burnout Inventory', Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 15, 2004, pp. 71-93
  • Peter Hills, Leslie John Francis and Christopher Rutledge, 'The Factor Structure of a Measure of Burnout Specific to Clergy, and Its Trial Application With Respect to Some Individual Personal Differences', Review of Religious Research, Vol. 46, 2004-05, pp. 27-42
  • Christopher Rutledge, 'Burnout and the Practice of Ministry Among Rural Clergy: Looking for the Hidden Signs', Rural Theology, Vol. 4, 2006, pp. 57-65 and Rural Life and Rural Church: Theological and Empirical Perspectives, eds Leslie John Francis and Mandy Robbins, Sheffield: Equinox Publishing, 2012, pp. 316-24
  • Leslie John Francis, Peter Hills and Christopher Rutledge, 'Clergy Work-Related Satisfactions in Parochial Ministry: The Influence of Personality and Churchmanship', Mental Health, Religion & Culture, Vol. 11, 2008, pp. 327-39

    BRIN ID: 1647


    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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