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Attitudes to Christianity (1964)

Type of Data: Attitudes to Christianity (1964)

Faith Community: Christianity

Date: 1986

Geography: Local survey. East Anglia

Sample Size: 500

Population: First- to fifth-year pupils in two secondary comprehensive schools

Keywords: Bible, Church, church attendance, churchgoing, God, Jesus Christ, prayer, religious education

Collection Method: Self-completion questionnaire

Collection Agency: Leslie John Francis

Published Source:

  • Leslie John Francis, 'Drift from the Churches: Secondary School Pupils' Attitudes Toward Christianity', British Journal of Religious Education, Vol. 11, 1988-89, pp. 76-86
  • Leslie John Francis, 'Monitoring Changing Attitudes Towards Christianity Among Secondary School Pupils Between 1974 and 1986', British Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 59, 1989, pp. 86-91

    BRIN ID: 1964


    The study is a replication of surveys conducted in the same schools in 1974, 1978 and 1982

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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