Characteristics and attitudes of students at Church of England Colleges of Higher Education (2080)
Type of Data: Characteristics and attitudes of students at Church of England Colleges of Higher Education (2080)
Faith Community: Christianity (Church of England)
Date: 1983-1984
Geography: England
Sample Size: 1988 first-years (65% response), 971 third-years (54% response), 221 postgraduates (47% response)
Population: First-year, third-year and Postgraduate Certificate of Education students at Church of England Colleges of Higher Education
Keywords: Chaplaincy, Christian Union, church attendance, Church colleges of higher education, churchgoing, church schools, commitment to religion, higher education, religious affiliation, students
Collection Method: Self-completion questionnaire
Collection Agency: Culham College Institute for Church Related Education
Sponsor: Church of England General Synod Board of Education and Church of England Colleges of Higher Education
Published Source:
John Dennis Gay, Brian Kay and George Perry, The Future of the Anglican Colleges: The First Year Students, Culham College Institute Church Colleges Research Project Interim Paper No. 4, Abingdon: Culham Educational Foundation, 1985John Dennis Gay, Brian Kay, George Perry and Diana Lazenby, The Future of the Anglican Colleges: The Third Year and P.G.C.E. Students, Culham College Institute Church Colleges Research Project Interim Paper No. 5, Abingdon: Culham Educational Foundation, 1985John Dennis Gay, Brian Kay, George Perry and Diana Lazenby, The Future of the Anglican Colleges: Final Report of the Church Colleges Research Project, Abingdon: Culham Educational Foundation, 1986
BRIN ID: 2080
Surveys were also conducted in 1983-84 of the attitudes to Church of England colleges of the members of General Synod (n=393), headteachers of Church of England primary, middle and secondary schools (n=453), and of academic staff of the colleges (n=521)
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…