Census of church membership and attendance (2217)
Type of Data: Census of church membership and attendance (2217)
Faith Community: Christianity
Date: 1979, November-1980, February
Geography: England
Sample Size: 15000 (39% response)
Population: Trinitarian Christian churches
Keywords: Church attendance, churchgoing, church membership, midweek meetings, Sunday school
Collection Method: Self-completion postal questionnaire
Collection Agency: Bible Society Research Department
Sponsor: Nationwide Initiative in Evangelism
Survey Instrument: Clive Douglas Field, 'Non-Recurrent Christian Data', Religion, Reviews of United Kingdom Statistical Sources, Vol. 20, ed. Wynne Frederick Maunder, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1987, pp. 488-9
Published Source:
Prospects for the Eighties: From a Census of the Churches in 1979 Undertaken by the Nationwide Initiative in Evangelism, London: Bible Society, 1980Peter Brierley, 'Greater London', Church Growth Digest, Spring 1982, pp. 14-17, 22Prospects for the Eighties, Volume Two: From a Census of the Churches in 1979 Undertaken by the Nationwide Initiative in Evangelism, London: MARC Europe, 1983
BRIN ID: 2217
For a critique of the census, see Clive Douglas Field, ‘Non-Recurrent Christian Data’, Religion, Reviews of United Kingdom Statistical Sources, Vol. 20, ed. Wynne Frederick Maunder, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1987, pp. 193-4, 237-8
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…