Dataset available at ESDS as SN 714
Posted by: Clive D. Field
Type of Data: Religious affiliation, membership and practice, during childhood and currently; role of religion in family and friendship networks and in the community (2278)
Faith Community: General, Christianity
Date: 1974, 1-21 September
Geography: Local survey. Newtown and Machynlleth (Montgomeryshire)
Sample Size: 498 (83% response)
Population: Adults aged 18 and over
Keywords: Baptism, bedtime prayers, church attendance, Churches, churchgoing, church marriage, church membership, clergy, confirmation, family, family bible reading, family prayers, friends, good Christian, God, grace, licensing, local issues, marriage, ministers
Collection Method: Face-to-face interview
Collection Agency: Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth
Sponsor: Economic and Social Research Council and Board of Celtic Studies, University of Wales
Published Source:
BRIN ID: 2278
Dataset available at ESDS as SN 714
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Dear Deborah BRIN has not looked into this, but I am hopeful that you may be able to find this…