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Incidence of conversion experience among Christians (2313)

Type of Data: Incidence of conversion experience among Christians (2313)

Faith Community: Christianity

Date: 1968

Geography: England

Sample Size: 4078

Population: Adult Christians

Keywords: Commitment, conversion

Collection Method: Face-to-face interview

Collection Agency: Evangelical Alliance Commission on Evangelism

Survey Instrument: Background to the Task, appendix 1

Published Source:

  • On the Other Side: The Report of the Evangelical Alliance's Commission on Evangelism, London: Scripture Union, 1968, pp. 181-90
  • 'Survey on Conversion: Statistical Report', Background to the Task: Supplement to 'On the Other Side', London: Scripture Union, 1968
  • Peter William Brierley, ‘A Measure of His Purpose’, Entering the Kingdom: A Fresh Look at Conversion, ed. Monica Hill, Bromley: MARC Europe, 1986, pp. 98-107
  • Peter William Brierley, 'Religion', British Social Trends Since 1900: A Guide to the Changing Social Structure of Britain, ed. Albert Henry Halsey, second edition, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1988, pp. 542-3

    BRIN ID: 2313


    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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