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Religious beliefs and practices (2344)

Type of Data: Religious beliefs and practices (2344)

Faith Community: General, Christianity

Date: 1969, Summer

Geography: Local survey. Dawley (Shropshire)

Sample Size: 327 (50% response)

Population: Adults aged 20 and over

Keywords: Afterlife, baptism, Bible, broadcast religious services, church attendance, churchgoing, church membership, church schools, confirmation, devil, faith schools, foretelling the future, ghosts, God, grace at meals, Jesus Christ, life after death, miracles, mobility, prayer, presence of God, punishment by God, religious affiliation, religious broadcasting, religious education, religious experience, religious television, saved in Christ, science, spirit healing, Sunday schools, superstitions

Collection Method: Face-to-face interview

Collection Agency: Midlands Socio-Religious Research Group

Sponsor: Barrow Cadbury Trust

Published Source:

  • Geoffrey Kenneth Nelson and Rosemary A. Clews, Mobility and Religious Commitment, Birmingham: University of Birmingham Institute for the Study of Worship and Religious Architecture, 1971
  • Daily Telegraph, 8 April 1971
  • The Times, 10 April 1971
  • Geoffrey Kenneth Nelson and Rosemary A. Clews, 'Geographical Mobility and Religious Behaviour', Sociological Review, New Series, Vol. 21, 1973, pp. 127-35

    BRIN ID: 2344


    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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