Census of places of worship, sittings, communicants or members and adherents (2549)
Type of Data: Census of places of worship, sittings, communicants or members and adherents (2549)
Faith Community: Christianity (Church in Wales, Free Churches)
Date: 1905
Geography: Wales
Population: Places of worship and adults connected with them
Keywords: Adherents, church members, communicants, Holy Communion, places of worship, sittings
Collection Method: Enquiries made by the Central Evidence Committee of the Royal Commission on the Church of England in Wales and Other Religious Bodies in Wales and Monmouthshire and evidence submitted by individual denominations
Collection Agency: Central Evidence Committee of the Royal Commission on the Church of England in Wales and Other Religious Bodies in Wales and Monmouthshire
Sponsor: His Majesty's Government
Published Source:
Report of the Royal Commission on the Church of England in Wales and Other Religious Bodies in Wales and Monmouthshire, London: printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1910-11, 8 vol., Cd 5432-5439 (Parliamentary Papers, House of Commons, Session 1910, Vol. 14-19)
BRIN ID: 2549
For the limitations of this source, see Clive Douglas Field, ‘Non-Recurrent Christian Data’, Religion, Reviews of United Kingdom Statistical Sources, Vol. 20, ed. Wynne Frederick Maunder, Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1987, p. 242; for an understanding of the historical background, see Robert Tudur Jones, Faith and the Crisis of a Nation: Wales, 1890-1914, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2004
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Dear Deborah BRIN has not looked into this, but I am hopeful that you may be able to find this…