Nonconformist places of worship registered under the Toleration Act 1689 and Roman Catholic places of worship under the Roman Catholic Relief Act 1791, until 1852 (2612)
Type of Data: Nonconformist places of worship registered under the Toleration Act 1689 and Roman Catholic places of worship under the Roman Catholic Relief Act 1791, until 1852 (2612)
Faith Community: Christianity (Protestant Nonconformity, Roman Catholic Church)
Date: 1852
Geography: England and Wales
Population: Nonconformist and Roman Catholic places of worship licensed by county and borough quarter sessions or episcopal and archidiaconal registries between 1689 and 1852
Keywords: Places of worship
Collection Method: Postal returns
Collection Agency: Clerks of county and borough quarter sessions or episcopal and archidiaconal registries
Sponsor: Registrar General
Published Source:
Register of Places of Worship, 1689 to 1852', The National Archives, RG 31, 11 vol.Dissenters' Places of Worship: List of Returns Made to the Registrar General of the Number of Certified Places of Religious Worship of Protestant Dissenters, House of Commons Papers, Session 1852-53, Vol. 78, pp. 83-172Hywel David Emanuel, 'Dissent in the Counties of Glamorgan and Monmouth', National Library of Wales Journal, Vol. 8, 1953-54, pp. 399-418 and Vol. 9, 1955-56, pp. 22-41, 216-34The Registrations of Dissenting Chapels and Meeting Houses in Staffordshire, 1689-1852, ed. Barbara Donaldson, Collections for a History of Staffordshire, Fourth Series, Vol. 3, [Stafford]: Staffordshire Record Society, 1960'Dissenters' Meeting House Certificates in the Diocese of Winchester, 1702-1844', A Hampshire Miscellany, ed. Arthur James Willis, Lyminge: the editor, 1963-67, pp. 109-200Charles Edwin Welch, 'The Registration of Meeting Houses', Journal of the Society of Archivists, Vol. 3, 1965-69, pp. 116-20Wiltshire Dissenters' Meeting House Certificates and Registrations, 1689-1852, ed. John Howard Chandler, Wiltshire Record Society, Vol. 40, Devizes: the Society, 1985Bedfordshire Chapels and Meeting Houses Official Registration, 1672-1901, ed. Charles Edwin Welch, Publications of the Bedfordshire Historical Record Society, Vol. 75, Bedford: the Society, 1996Berkshire Nonconformist Meeting House Registrations, 1689-1852, ed. Lisa Spurrier, Berkshire Record Society, Vol. 9-10, Reading: the Society, 2005
BRIN ID: 2612
An earlier analysis appears as A Return of the Number of Registered Dissenting Meeting-Houses and Roman-Catholic Chapels in England and Wales, House of Commons Papers, Session 1836, Vol. 40, pp. 267-310
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Dear Deborah BRIN has not looked into this, but I am hopeful that you may be able to find this…