Involvement in and attitudes to inter-faith work (2624)
Type of Data: Involvement in and attitudes to inter-faith work (2624)
Faith Community: Judaism
Date: 2007, November-December
Geography: United Kingdom
Sample Size: 128 (46% response)
Population: Leaders (rabbis or chairpersons of management committees) of synagogues
Keywords: Ecumenism, inter-faith dialogue, synagogues
Collection Method: Self-completion postal questionnaire
Collection Agency: Board of Deputies of British Jews
Sponsor: Department for Communities and Local Government
Survey Instrument: Kahn-Harris, Communities in Conversation, pp. 47-52
Published Source:
Keith Kahn-Harris, Communities in Conversation: Jewish Involvement in Inter Faith Activities in the UK, London: Board of Deputies of British Jews, 2009Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 2009
BRIN ID: 2624
A media audit was also undertaken of 173 inter-faith projects and events with a significant level of Jewish involvement between January 2006 and December 2007, and three focus groups were held with Jews involved in inter-faith work
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…