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Personality and work-related psychological health of Church of England clergy (2798)

Type of Data: Personality and work-related psychological health of Church of England clergy (2798)

Faith Community: Christianity (Church of England)

Date: 2004

Geography: England

Sample Size: 722 (47% response)

Population: Church of England clergy responsible for three or more rural churches excluding those working in team ministries

Keywords: Administration, anxiety, burnout, churchmanship, clergy, commitment, coping, developmental issues, emotional exhaustion, escape-avoidance, frustration, God, happiness, irritation, isolation, job satisfaction, logistics, ministry, multi-tasking, parish conflicts, personality, positive reappraisal, problem solving, psychological health, psychological type, responsibility, role conflict, self-control, social support, stress, well-being

Collection Method: Self-completion postal questionnaire

Collection Agency: Christine E. Brewster

Published Source:

  • Christine E. Brewster, 'Rural Clergy Today: A Survey of Personality, Coping Strategies and Work-Related Psychological Health amongst Church of England Clergy in Multi-Church Parishes', University of Wales, Bangor Ph.D. thesis, 2007
  • Christine E. Brewster, 'How Happy are Rural Anglican Clergy?', Rural Theology, Vol. 6, 2008, pp. 43-53 and Rural Life and Rural Church: Theological and Empirical Perspectives, eds Leslie John Francis and Mandy Robbins, Sheffield: Equinox Publishing, 2012, pp. 325-36
  • Christine E. Brewster, Leslie John Francis and Mandy Robbins, 'Maintaining a Public Ministry in Rural England: Work-Related Psychological Health and Psychological Type among Anglican Clergy Serving in Multi-Church Benefices', The Public Significance of Religion, eds Leslie John Francis and Hans-Georg Ziebertz, Leiden: Brill, 2011, pp. 241-65
  • Christine E. Brewster, Leslie John Francis and Mandy Robbins, 'In Ordained Ministry There is Neither Male Nor Female? The Personality Profile of Male and Female Anglican Clergy Engaged in Multi-Parish Rural Ministry', Archive for the Psychology of Religion, Vol. 33, 2011, pp. 241-51
  • Christine E. Brewster, 'The Fate of the Rural Anglican Clergy: Caring for More Churches and Experiencing Higher Levels of Stress', Religious Identity and National Heritage: Empirical-Theological Perspectives, eds Francis-Vincent Anthony and Hans-Georg Ziebertz, Leiden: Brill, 2012, pp. 149-69
  • Christine E. Brewster, 'Ways of Coping in Rural Ministry', Rural Theology, Vol. 10, 2012, pp. 70-105
  • Leslie John Francis and Christine E. Brewster, 'Stress from Time-Related Over-Extension in Multi-Parish Benefices', Rural Theology, Vol. 10, 2012, pp. 161-78
  • Christine E. Brewster, 'Religious Coping Among Rural Clergy: Measuring Ways in Which Rural Clergy Draw on Coping Strategies Informed by Their Theological Beliefs', Journal of Empirical Theology, Vol. 27, 2014, pp. 85-102
  • Christine E. Brewster, ‘Churchmanship and Personal Happiness: A Study among Rural Anglican Clergy’, Rural Theology, Vol. 13, 2015, pp. 124-34
  • Christine E. Brewster, Leslie John Francis, Mandy Robbins, and Gemma Penny, ‘Dimensions of Personality and Preferred Ways of Coping: An Empirical Enquiry among Rural Anglican Clergy’, Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 26, 2015, pp. 198-217
  • Leslie John Francis, Patrick Laycock, and Christine E. Brewster, ‘The Burdens of Rural Ministry: Identifying and Exploring the Correlates of Five Causes of Stress among Rural Anglican Clergy Serving in Multi-Parish Benefices’, Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 26, 2015, pp. 218-46
  •  Christine E. Brewster, Stress and Coping Strategies among Rural Clergy: A Quantitative Survey, Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2015
  • Leslie John Francis, Patrick Laycock, and Christine E. Brewster, ‘Work-Related Psychological Wellbeing: Testing the Balanced Affect Model among Anglican Clergy’, Religions, Vol. 8, No. 7, 2017, article 118
  •  Leslie John Francis, Patrick Laycock, and Christine E. Brewster, ‘Exploring the Factor Structure of the Francis Psychological Type Scales among a Sample of Anglican Clergy in England’, Mental Health, Religion, and Culture, Vol. 20, 2017, pp. 930-41

    BRIN ID: 2798


    Posted by: Clive D. Field

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