Attitudes and behaviours of evangelical Christians (3124)
Type of Data: Attitudes and behaviours of evangelical Christians (3124)
Faith Community: Christianity
Date: 2012, February-June
Geography: Great Britain
Sample Size: 1996 (comprising 815 churchgoers, 342 magazine readers, and 839 ministers)
Population: Evangelicals aged 18 and over from three groups: churchgoers in seven English congregations (three Anglican, one Baptist, three Independent); laity answering advertisements in three evangelical magazines (Evangelicals Now, Idea, and Woman Alive); ministers from a range of Protestant denominations.
Keywords: Appreciation, behaviour, Bible, Christian, Christlikeness, Christlike people, church attendance, church attributes, churchgoing, church growth, church life, churchmanship, church planting, doctrine, evangelicals, evangelism, growth in faith, Jesus Christ, prayer, preaching, public declaration of faith, sense of belonging, sense of God's closeness, teaching, training/development needs, understanding the Christian life
Collection Method: Self-completion postal questionnaire
Collection Agency: Brierley Consultancy
Sponsor: Langham Partnership (UK and Ireland)
Published Source:
Living the Christian Life: Becoming Like Jesus, Tonbridge: ADBC Publishers, 2012Peter William Brierley, Living the Christian Life, Report No. 1: The Cumulated Results of the Spring 2012 Survey among Seven Congregations in England, Tonbridge: Brierley Consultancy, 2012Peter William Brierley, Living the Christian Life, Report No. 2: The Collected Results of the Spring 2012 Survey among Ministers and Lay People, Tonbridge: Brierley Consultancy, 2012 of England Newspaper, 16 December 2012
BRIN ID: 3124
The sample of magazine readers was self-selecting and had a higher average age than the churchgoers. For ministers a database was used of those who had self-indicated they were leading an evangelical church in Great Britain, of whom 31% replied.
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…