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Religious affiliation (by upbringing and current); membership of and participation in religious and other groups; experience of harassment and discrimination on religious and other grounds (3230)

Type of Data: Religious affiliation (by upbringing and current); membership of and participation in religious and other groups; experience of harassment and discrimination on religious and other grounds (3230)

Faith Community: General

Date: 2011, 7 January-2013, 12 July

Geography: United Kingdom

Sample Size: 51594 adults (83% response), 5911 young people (75% response)

Population: Adults aged 16 and over, young people aged 10-15

Keywords: Active practice of religion, conversation, employment, feeling unsafe, friends, insults, physical attacks, promotion, religion of upbringing, religious affiliation, religious discrimination, religious groups, religious harassment

Collection Method: Face-to-face interview and self-completion questionnaire

Collection Agency: National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) and Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency

Sponsor: Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex, with funding from the Economic and Social Research Council and a consortium of government departments

BRIN ID: 3230


Wave 3 of Understanding Society (United Kingdom Household Longitudinal Study). Dataset available at UKDS as SN 6614. Religious affiliation questions only asked of new panel entrants in Wave 3

Posted by: Clive D. Field

British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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