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Perceptions and experience of anti-Semitism (3240)

Type of Data: Perceptions and experience of anti-Semitism (3240)

Faith Community: Judaism

Date: 2012, September-October

Geography: United Kingdom. Part of multinational survey

Sample Size: 1468

Population: Self-identifying Jews aged 16 and over

Keywords: Anti-Semitism, boycott, cemeteries, circumcision, discrimination, economic crisis, emigration, graffiti, harassment, health services, Holocaust, housing, integration, interests, Israel, Jewish identity, Jews, legislation, marriage, media, nation, non-Jews, Palestinians, physical attacks, police, political life, power, prejudice, problems, public places, religious intolerance, self-assessed religiosity, shechita, slaughter, threats, vandalism, verbal insults, work

Collection Method: Online interview

Collection Agency: Ipsos MORI in association with the Institute for Jewish Policy Research

Sponsor: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Published Source:

  • Laura D. Staetsky and Jonathan Boyd, The Exceptional Case? Perceptions and Experiences of Antisemitism among Jews in the United Kingdom, London: Institute for Jewish Policy Research, 2014
  • David Graham. European Jewish Identity: Mosaic or Monolith? An Empirical Assessment of Eight European Countries, London: Institute for Jewish Policy Research, 2018
  • http://fra.europa.eu
  • http://www.brin.ac.uk/news/2013/portrait-of-catholics-and-other-news/

    BRIN ID: 3240


    The sample was entirely self-selecting and the results uncorrected by weighting. Respondents were probably disproportionately drawn from those with an interest in/experience of anti-Semitism and/or members of Jewish community organizations. On the representativeness of the UK data, see Staetsky and Boyd, Exceptional Case? pp. 11-12. Multinational survey, also undertaken in Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, and Sweden.

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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