First Public Attitudes to Science study. A qualitative phase of research, funded by the Wellcome Trust, was undertaken in October-November 1999
Posted by: Clive D. Field
Type of Data: Religion in relation to science (3342)
Faith Community: General
Date: 2000, 6-21 January
Geography: Great Britain
Sample Size: 1839 (including booster samples of 400 in Scotland and 200 from ethnic minorities)
Population: Adults aged 16 and over
Keywords: Church attendance, faith, religious affiliation, religious television programmes, science, self-assessed religiosity
Collection Method: Face-to-face interview
Collection Agency: Taylor Nelson Sofres Harris
Sponsor: Office of Science and Technology
Survey Instrument: Science and the Public, pp. 102-25
Published Source:
BRIN ID: 3342
First Public Attitudes to Science study. A qualitative phase of research, funded by the Wellcome Trust, was undertaken in October-November 1999
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Dear Deborah BRIN has not looked into this, but I am hopeful that you may be able to find this…