Religious beliefs, practices, and attitudes of young people (3348)
Type of Data: Religious beliefs, practices, and attitudes of young people (3348)
Faith Community: General, Christianity, Islam
Date: 2010, February-April
Geography: Local survey. London Borough of Hillingdon, London Borough of Newham, and Bradford (Yorkshire)
Sample Size: 10376 (4160 in Hillingdon, 3361 in Newham, and 2855 in Bradford)
Population: Young people in years 8, 10 and 12 of 39 secondary schools/colleges, mostly aged 13-18
Keywords: Attendance at religious services, belonging to religious groups, community cohesion, friends, ghosts, God, grandparents, heaven, hell, horoscopes, importance of religion in daily life, influence of religion on daily activities, influences on religious beliefs, Karma, life after death, miracles, parents, prayer, predicting the future, purpose in life, reincarnation, religious affiliation, religious diet, religious dress, religious education, representations of religion, treatment of environment, treatment of other people
Collection Method: Online interview
Collection Agency: Brunel University, Middlesex University, and Leeds Metropolitan University
Sponsor: Arts and Humanities Research Council and Economic and Social Research Council Religion and Society Programme
Published Source:
Nicola Madge, Peter James Hemming, Anthony Goodman, Sue Goodman, Sarah Kingston, Kevin Stenson, and Colin Webster, 'Conducting Large-Scale Surveys in Secondary Schools: The Case of the Youth on Religion (YOR) Project', Children and Society, Vol. 26, 2012, pp. 417-29Nicola Madge, Peter James Hemming, and Kevin Stenson, Youth on Religion: The Development, Negotiation, and Impact of Faith and Non-Faith Identity, London: Routledge, 2014Nicola Madge and Peter James Hemming, ‘Young British Religious “Nones”: Findings from the Youth on Religion Study’, Journal of Youth Studies, Vol. 20, 2017, pp. 872-88
BRIN ID: 3348
The three locations were ethnically diverse, with 37% of respondents white, 40% Asian, 13% black, and 10% of other ethnicity. A qualitative phase of research collected data from 157 students in year 12 (aged 17-18) via discussion groups and paired interviews.
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Dear Deborah BRIN has not looked into this, but I am hopeful that you may be able to find this…