Attitudes and beliefs regarding Christianity, church attendance, Jesus Christ, and the Bible (3505)
Type of Data: Attitudes and beliefs regarding Christianity, church attendance, Jesus Christ, and the Bible (3505)
Faith Community: Christianity
Date: 2014, 9-16 June
Geography: Scotland
Sample Size: 1019
Population: Adults aged 18 and over
Keywords: Accepting of other faiths, anti-homosexual, Barna Group, Bible, calling in life, Christian nation, Christianity, church attendance, Churches, community, compatible with science, ComRes, everyday problems, God, good values, heaven, hope for the future, hypocritical, importance of religious faith, Jesus Christ, judgmental, love for other people, nation in transition spiritually, out of touch, parents, personal commitment to Jesus Christ, politics, post-Christian nation, practice Christianity, relevance, religious affiliation, religious teaching, Scotland, secular nation, simplistic, workplace
Collection Method: Online interview
Collection Agency: ComRes
Sponsor: Barna Group
Published Source:
Transforming Scotland: The State of Christianity, Faith, and the Church in Scotland, [Ventura, CA]: Barna Group, 2015
BRIN ID: 3505
Other components of the research in 2014-15 were: face-to-face interviews with 29 Christian influencers; online survey of 200 Protestant ministers; online surveys of 80 leaders and 385 congregation members in growing and baseline Protestant evangelical churches; and online interviews with 25 faith-engaged Millennials aged 18-28.
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Dear Deborah BRIN has not looked into this, but I am hopeful that you may be able to find this…