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Attitudes of Muslims to current issues (3627)

Type of Data: Attitudes of Muslims to current issues (3627)

Faith Community: Islam

Date: 2015, 18-20 November

Geography: Great Britain

Sample Size: 1003

Population: Self-identifying Muslims aged 18 and over

Keywords: Bombing, British identity, British Muslims, British society, condemnation, David Cameron, discrimination, integration, ISIS, ISIS leaders, Islam, Islamic leaders, Islamic State, Muslim identity, Muslims, poverty, root cause, Survation, sympathy, Syria, terrorist acts, The Sun, vulnerable young people, Western countries, Western foreign policy, young Muslims

Collection Method: Telephone interview

Collection Agency: Survation

Sponsor: The Sun

Published Source:

  • http://survation.com/
  • The Sun, 23 November 2015

    BRIN ID: 3627


    Respondents were sampled based on a modelled probability of self-identifying as Muslim and using a range of demographic indicators. Prior to interview they were asked to confirm that they were Muslim, including non-practising. Fieldwork conducted in the aftermath of the Islamist attacks in Paris on 13 November 2015.

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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