Impact of Covid-19 on church life in lockdown with special reference to the Church of England (4120)
Type of Data: Impact of Covid-19 on church life in lockdown with special reference to the Church of England (4120)
Faith Community: Christianity (Church of England)
Date: 2020, 8 May-23 July
Geography: United Kingdom
Sample Size: 7000, including 5347 affiliated with the Church of England (1429 clergy and 3918 laity)
Population: Clergy and churchgoing laity
Keywords: Andrew Village, church buildings, Church of England, clergy, coronavirus, Covid-19, difficulty of doing tasks, fragile churches, Holy Communion, Leslie Francis, lockdown, ministry, online worship, sources of support, stress, sustainability, virtual church, wellbeing, York St John University
Collection Method: Online interview
Collection Agency: via Qualtrics platform
Sponsor: Andrew Village and Leslie Francis, York St John University
Published Source:
Church Times, 26 June, 16 October, and 20 November 2020, 1 January, 12 February, 19 March, 14 May, and 2 July 2021Methodist Recorder, 26 March 2021Leslie John Francis, Andrew Village, and Anne Lawson, ‘Impact of Covid-19 on Fragile Churches: Is the Rural Situation Really Different?’, Rural Theology, Vol. 18, 2020, pp. 72–8Andrew Village and Leslie John Francis, ‘Faith in Lockdown: Experiences of Rural Church of England Clergy and Laity during the Covid-19 Pandemic’, Rural Theology, Vol. 18, 2020, pp. 79–86Leslie John Francis and Andrew Village, ‘Viewing the Impact of Covid-19 through the Eyes of Retired Clergy’, Theology, Vol. 124, 2021, pp. 24–31Leslie John Francis and Andrew Village, ‘Shielding, but not Shielded: Comparing the Experience of the Covid-19 Lockdown for Anglican Churchgoers Aged Seventy and over with those under the Age of Sixty’, Rural Theology, Vol. 19, 2021, pp. 31–40Leslie John Francis, Andrew Village, and Anne Lawson, ‘Impact of Covid-19 on Fragile Churches: Listening to the Voices of Lay People’, Rural Theology, Vol. 19, 2021, pp. 41–7Andrew Village and Leslie John Francis, ‘Wellbeing and Perceptions of Receiving Support among Church of England Clergy during the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic’, Mental Health, Religion, and Culture, Vol. 24, 2021, pp. 463–77Andrew Village and Leslie John Francis, ‘Exploring Affect Balance: Psychological Well-Being of Church of England Clergy and Laity during the Covid-19 Pandemic’, Journal of Religion and Health, Vol. 60, 2021, pp. 1556-75Leslie John Francis and Andrew Village, ‘Introducing The Index of Balanced Affect Change (TIBACh): A Study among Church of England Clergy and Laity’, Mental Health, Religion, and Culture, Vol. 24, 2021, pp. 770–9
BRIN ID: 4120
‘Coronavirus, Church, and You’ study. Although primarily intended for the Church of England, and promoted via the Church Times of 8-29 May 2020 and several participating dioceses, the survey was open to clergy and lay people from any UK denomination. Linked surveys were also run among Roman Catholics in the UK and Ireland, and in the Episcopal Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf. The convenience sample for the main study was entirely self-selecting and thus potentially unrepresentative of the sampled universes, even of the Church of England.
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…