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Religious affiliation, and Protestant/Catholic and religious/non-religious identity (3494)

Type of Data: Religious affiliation, and Protestant/Catholic and religious/non-religious identity (3494)

Faith Community: General, Christianity (Protestantism, Roman Catholicism)

Date: 2011, February-March

Geography: Wales

Sample Size: 3029 (pre-referendum), 2569 (post-referendum)

Population: Adults aged 18 and over

Keywords: Cardiff University, Protestant, Protestantism, religious affiliation, religious identity, Roman Catholic, Roman Catholicism, self-assessed religiosity, Wales, Welsh Referendum Study, YouGov

Collection Method: Online interview

Collection Agency: YouGov

Sponsor: Department of Politics and International Relations, Cardiff University, with funding from Economic and Social Research Council

BRIN ID: 3494


Welsh Referendum Study, 2011. Two-wave panel survey, the first wave before and the second after the referendum on extending devolution for Wales held on 3 March 2011. Dataset available at UKDA as SN 7780.

Posted by: Clive D. Field

British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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