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Religious and other values (4256)

Type of Data: Religious and other values (4256)

Faith Community: General

Date: 2022, 1 March-7 September

Geography: Great Britain. Part of multinational survey

Sample Size: 2609 (32% response), including boosts in Wales and Scotland

Population: Adults aged 16 and over

Keywords: Attendance at religious services, confidence in Churches, dependence on science and not enough on faith, dislike of people of different religion as neighbours, God, heaven, hell, importance of children learning religious faith at home, importance of God, importance of religion in respondent’s life, Ipsos MORI, life after death, membership of religious organizations, only acceptable religion, prayer, religious affiliation, science and religion, self-assessed religiosity, trust for people of another religion, World Values Survey

Collection Method: Combination of face-to-face (N= 1,213), online (N= 763), postal (N= 563), and video (N= 71) interview

Collection Agency: Ipsos

Sponsor: World Values Survey Association

Published Source:

  • https://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSDocumentationWV7.jsp
  • https://www.kcl.ac.uk/policy-institute/assets/lost-faith-the-uk’s-changing-attitudes-to-religion.pdf

    BRIN ID: 4256


    World Values Survey, wave 7. Also conducted in Northern Ireland and 62 other countries and territories worldwide. Fieldwork in Britain was delayed and then disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic. The response rate was lower than expected. Between March and late July 2022, only face-to-face and postal interviews were conducted, but from late July onwards only online interviews were conducted.

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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