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Religious, supernatural and moral beliefs and attitudes (1780)

Type of Data: Religious, supernatural and moral beliefs and attitudes (1780)

Faith Community: General, Christianity, Alternative

Date: 1990-1999?

Geography: England and Wales

Sample Size: 33982

Population: Young people aged 13-15 (in years 9 and 10) attending 163 secondary schools

Keywords: Abortion, afterlife, alcohol, assembly, astrology, baptism, Bible, black magic, Christianity, Church, church attendance, churchgoing, clergy, contraception, counselling, creation, creationism, devil, divorce, drugs, evolution, exchanging messages with the dead, extra-marital sex, fortune telling, ghosts, God, homosexuality, horoscopes, Jesus Christ, life after death, marriage, ministers, morality, moral values, nuclear war, one true religion, paranormal, politics, pollution, pornography, poverty, prayer, punishment, purpose of life, religious affiliation, religious education, religious experience, Resurrection, right and wrong, rites of passage, school, sex, smoking, social concerns, Son of God, spirits of the dead, spiritualism, substance use, suicide, supernatural, superstition, Third World, under-age sex, unemployment, values, violence, well-being, work, worry

Collection Method: Self-completion questionnaire

Collection Agency: University of Wales, Bangor

Published Source:

  • Leslie John Francis, Believing Without Belonging: The Teenage Experience, London: General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, 1994
  • Leslie John Francis and William Kilbourne Kay, Teenage Religion and Values, Leominster: Gracewing, 1995
  • Fast-Moving Currents in Youth Culture, eds. Leslie John Francis, William Kilbourne Kay, Alan Kerby and Olaf Fogwill, Oxford: Lynx, 1995
  • William Kilbourne Kay and Leslie John Francis, 'The Young British Atheist: A Socio-Psychological Profile', Journal of Empirical Theology, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1995, pp. 5-26
  • John M. Lewis and Leslie John Francis, 'Personality and Attitude Toward Religious Education Among Adolescents', Research in Religious Education, eds. Leslie John Francis, William Kilbourne Kay and William S. Campbell, Leominster: Gracewing, 1996, pp. 229-38
  • William Kilbourne Kay, 'Religious Education and Assemblies: Pupils' Changing Views', Research in Religious Education, eds. Leslie John Francis, William Kilbourne Kay and William S. Campbell, Leominster: Gracewing, 1996, pp. 267-77
  • Leslie John Francis and John M. Lewis, 'Who Wants RE? A Socio-Psychological Profile of Adolescent Support for Religious Education', Christian Theology and Religious Education, eds. Jeff Astley and Leslie John Francis, London: SPCK, 1996, pp. 223-46
  • Leslie John Francis, 'Christianity, Personality and Concern About Environmental Pollution', Journal of Beliefs and Values, Vol. 18, 1997, pp. 7-16
  • Leslie John Francis, 'The Socio-Psychological Profile of the Teenage Television Addict', Muslim Education Quarterly, Vol. 15, 1997, pp. 4-19
  • Leslie John Francis and Kenneth Mullen, 'Denominational and Sectarian Influence on Adolescent Attitude Towards Drug Use in England and Wales', Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, Vol. 42, No. 3, Spring 1997, pp. 81-96
  • Leslie John Francis, 'The Impact of Personality and Religion on Attitude Towards Substance Use Among 13-15 Year Olds', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Vol. 44, 1997, pp. 95-103, Vol. 47, 1997, pp. 73-4
  • Leslie John Francis and T. E. Evans, 'The Relationship Between Marital Disruption and Adolescent Values: A Study Among 13-15 Year Olds', Divorce and Remarriage: International Studies, ed. C. A. Everett, New York: Haworth Press, 1997, pp. 195-213
  • Leslie John Francis, 'Who Reads the Bible? A Study Among 13-15 Year Olds', British Journal of Religious Education, Vol. 22, 1999-2000, pp. 165-72
  • Leslie John Francis, 'The Relationship Between Bible Reading and Purpose in Life Among 13-15-Year-Olds', Mental Health, Religion and Culture, Vol. 3, 2000, pp. 27-36
  • Mandy Robbins, 'Leaving before Adolescence: Profiling the Child no longer in the Church', Joining and Leaving Religion: Research Perspectives, eds Leslie John Francis and Yaacov J. Katz, Leominster: Gracewing, 2000, pp. 103-28
  • Leslie John Francis, The Values Debate: A Voice from the Pupils, London: Woburn Press, 2001
  • Leslie John Francis and Jeremy Martineau, Rural Youth: A Parish Workbook on Young People in the Countryside, Stoneleigh Park: Acora Publishing, 2001
  • William Kilbourne Kay and Leslie John Francis, 'Religious Education and School Assembly in England and Wales: What Do Religious Minorities Think?', Towards Religious Competence: Diversity as a Challenge for Education in Europe, eds. Hans-Gunter Heimbrock, Christoph T. Scheilke and Peter Schreiner, Munster: LIT, 2001, pp. 117-28
  • Leslie John Francis, 'God Images, Personal Wellbeing and Moral Values: A Survey Among 13-15 Year Olds in England and Wales', Imagining God: Empirical Explorations From an International Perspective, ed. Hans-Georg Ziebertz, Munster: LIT, 2001, pp. 125-44
  • Leslie John Francis, 'Religion and Values: A Quantitative Perspective', The Fourth R for the Third Millennium: Education in Religion and Values for the Global Future, eds. Leslie John Francis, Jeff Astley and Mandy Robbins, Dublin: Lindisfarne Books, 2001, pp. 47-78
  • Leslie John Francis, 'The Social Significance of Religious Affiliation Among Adolescents in England and Wales', Religious Individualisation and Christian Religious Semantics, ed. Hans-Georg Ziebertz, Munster: LIT, 2001, pp. 115-38
  • Leslie John Francis, 'Catholic Schools and Catholic Values? A Study of Moral and Religious Values Among 13-15 Year Old Pupils Attending Non-Denominational and Catholic Schools in England and Wales', International Journal of Education and Religion, Vol. 3, 2002, pp. 69-84
  • Leslie John Francis, 'The Relationship Between Bible Reading and Attitude Toward Substance Use Among 13-15 Year Olds', Religious Education, Vol. 97, 2002, pp. 44-60
  • Leslie John Francis, 'A Socio-Psychological Profile of Young Anglicans in Wales: A Study in Empirical Theology', Honouring the Past and Shaping the Future: Religion and Biblical Studies in Wales - Essays in Honour of Gareth Lloyd Jones, ed. Robert Pope, Leominster: Gracewing, 2003, pp. 233-52
  • Leslie John Francis and Mandy Robbins, 'Belonging Without Believing: A Study in the Social Significance of Anglican Identity and Implicit Religion Among 13-15 Year-Old Males', Implicit Religion, Vol. 7, 2004, pp. 37-54
  • Leslie John Francis, 'Empirical Theology and Hermeneutical Religious Education: A Case Study Concerning Adolescent Attitudes Toward Abortion', Hermeneutics and Religious Education, eds. Herman Lombaerts and Didier Pollefeyt, Leuven: Peeters, 2004, pp. 355-73
  • Mike Fearn and Leslie John Francis, 'Values Education in England and Wales: Official Policies and Pupil Responses', Horyzontow Wychowania, Vol. 3, No. 6, 2004, pp. 101-12
  • Gwyther Rees, Leslie John Francis and Mandy Robbins, Spiritual Health and the Well-Being of Urban Young People: A Report, [London]: Commission on Urban Life and Faith, [2005]
  • Leslie John Francis and Mandy Robbins, Urban Hope and Spiritual Health: The Adolescent Voice, Peterborough: Epworth, 2005
  • Leslie John Francis, 'Prayer, Personality and Purpose in Life Among Churchgoing and Non-Churchgoing Adolescents', Religion, Education and Adolescence: International Empirical Perspectives, eds. Leslie John Francis, Mandy Robbins and Jeff Astley, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2005, pp. 15-38
  • Jeff Astley, 'The Science and Religion Interface Within Young People's Attitudes and Beliefs', Religion, Education and Adolescence: International Empirical Perspectives, eds. Leslie John Francis, Mandy Robbins and Jeff Astley, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2005, pp. 39-54
  • David W. Lankshear, 'The Influence of Anglican Secondary Schools on Personal, Moral and Religious Values', Religion, Education and Adolescence: International Empirical Perspectives, eds. Leslie John Francis, Mandy Robbins and Jeff Astley, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2005, pp. 55-69
  • Anna Halsall, 'The Identity of Young Anglicans: The Feminization of the Anglican Church', Religion, Education and Adolescence: International Empirical Perspectives, eds. Leslie John Francis, Mandy Robbins and Jeff Astley, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2005, pp. 70-93
  • Mandy Robbins, 'Attitude to Smoking Among Female Adolescents: Is Religion a Significant but Neglected Factor?', Religion, Education and Adolescence: International Empirical Perspectives, eds. Leslie John Francis, Mandy Robbins and Jeff Astley, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2005, pp. 94-106
  • William Kilbourne Kay, 'Religious Experience and its Implications for Religious Education', Religion, Education and Adolescence: International Empirical Perspectives, eds. Leslie John Francis, Mandy Robbins and Jeff Astley, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2005, pp. 107-27
  • Leslie John Francis, 'Independent Christian Schools and Pupil Values: An Empirical Investigation Among 13-15-Year-Old Boys', British Journal of Religious Education, Vol. 27, 2005, pp. 127-41
  • Leslie John Francis, 'The God Experience (Who Has It and Why?): Perspectives From Empirical Theology', Modern Believing, Vol. 47, 2006, pp. 4-21
  • Leslie John Francis and Mandy Robbins, 'Prayer, Purpose in Life, Personality and Social Attitudes Among Non-Churchgoing 13-to-15-Year-Olds in England and Wales', Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 17, 2006, pp. 123-55
  • William Kilbourne Kay and Leslie John Francis, 'Suicidal Ideation Among Young People in the UK: Churchgoing as an Inhibitory Influence?', Mental Health, Religion and Culture, Vol. 9, 2006, pp. 127-40
  • Leslie John Francis and Emyr Williams, 'Drawing Back the Veil: Paranormal Belief Among Adolescents', Christian Parapsychologist, Vol. 17, 2006-07, pp. 170-85
  • Leslie John Francis, 'Self-Assigned Religious Affiliation: A Study Among Adolescents in England and Wales', Religion, Spirituality and the Social Sciences: Challenging Marginalisation, eds. Basia Spalek and Alia Imtoual, Bristol: Policy Press, 2008, pp. 149-61
  • Leslie John Francis, 'Family, Denomination and the Adolescent World View: An Empirical Enquiry Among 13- to 15-Year-Old Girls in England and Wales', Marriage and Family Review, Vol. 43, 2008, pp. 185-204
  • Leslie John Francis and Mandy Robbins, 'The Relationship between Denominational Affiliation and Spiritual Health among Weekly-Churchgoing 13- to 15-Year-Old Adolescents in England and Wales', Journal of Education and Christian Belief, Vol. 12, 2008, pp. 21-39
  • Leslie John Francis, ‘Religion as a Persisting Predictor of Cultural Diversity in the UK: Studies among Adults and Adolescents in Post-Secular Britain’, Europe: Secular or Post-Secular?, eds Hans-Georg Ziebertz and Ulrich Riegel, Berlin: LIT, 2008, pp. 167-90
  •  Leslie John Francis and Emyr Williams, 'Contacting the Spirits of the Dead: Paranormal Belief and the Teenage Worldview', Journal of Research on Christian Education, Vol. 18, 2009, pp. 20-35
  • Leslie John Francis, Emyr Williams and Mandy Robbins, 'Personality, Conventional Christian Belief and Unconventional Paranormal Belief: A Study Among Teenagers', British Journal of Religious Education, Vol. 32, 2010, pp. 31-9
  • Mandy Robbins and Leslie John Francis, 'The Teenage Religion and Values Survey in England and Wales', Religion and Youth, eds Sylvia Collins-Mayo and Ben Pink Dandelion, Farnham: Ashgate, 2010, pp. 47-54
  • Mandy Robbins and Leslie John Francis, 'The Teenage Religion and Values Survey in England and Wales: An Overview', British Journal of Religious Education, Vol. 32, 2010, pp. 307-20
  •  Leslie John Francis, 'Spiritual Health and Religious Formation: The Adolescent Experience', Crucible, Vol. 49, No. 3, July-September 2010, pp. 7-14
  • Leslie John Francis, 'The Association between Suicidal Ideation, Explicit Religion, and Implicit Religion: An Empirical Enquiry among 13 to 15 Year-Old Adolescents', Implicit Religion, Vol. 16, 2013, pp. 93-109
  • Leslie John Francis, 'Implicit Religion, Explicit Religion, and Purpose in Life: An Empirical Enquiry among 13- to 15-Year-Old Adolescents', Mental Health, Religion and Culture, Vol. 16, 2013, pp. 909-21
  • Leslie John Francis, David W. Lankshear, Mandy Robbins, Andrew Village, and Tania ap Sion, 'Defining and Measuring the Contribution of Anglican Secondary Schools to Students' Religious, Personal, and Social Values', Journal of Empirical Theology, Vol. 27, 2014, pp. 57-84

    BRIN ID: 1780


    Posted by: Clive D. Field

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