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Churchgoing and religious affiliation (1265)

Type of Data: Churchgoing and religious affiliation (1265)

Faith Community: General

Date: 2003, June-November

Geography: Great Britain

Sample Size: 663 (66% response)

Population: Young people aged 12-19

Keywords: Church attendance, churchgoing, religious affiliation

Collection Method: Face-to-face interview

Collection Agency: National Centre for Social Research (NatCen)

Sponsor: Department for Education and Skills

Survey Instrument: Park, Phillips and Johnson, Young People in Britain

Published Source:

  • Alison Park, Miranda Phillips and Mark Johnson, Young People in Britain: The Attitudes and Experiences of 12 to 19 Year Olds, Annesley: Department for Education and Skills, 2004

    BRIN ID: 1265


    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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