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Religious beliefs and attitudes, and paranormal experiences (1348)

Type of Data: Religious beliefs and attitudes, and paranormal experiences (1348)

Faith Community: General, Christianity, Alternative

Date: 2001, June-November

Geography: Scotland

Sample Size: 1605 (60% response)

Population: Adults aged 18 and over

Keywords: Abortion, afterlife, alternative medicine, astrology, church attendance, churchgoing, church schools, discrimination, divination, faith schools, fortune telling, God, homosexuality, horoscopes, impact of religious beliefs, integrated schools, Jesus Christ, life after death, marriage, meditation, morality, paranormal, politics, prejudice, religious affiliation, religious broadcasting, religious discrimination, religious education, religious experience, religious leaders, religious television, Roman Catholics, sectarianism, self-assessed religiosity, social issues, strength of religious identity, tarot cards, voting, yoga

Collection Method: Face-to-face interview and self-completion questionnaire

Collection Agency: National Centre for Social Research (NatCen)

Sponsor: Economic and Social Research Council, Scottish Executive, Scottish Homes

Published Source:

  • Steve Bruce and Tony Glendinning, 'Shock Report! Scotland is No Longer a Christian Country', Life & Work, June 2002, pp. 12-15
  • Steve Bruce and Tony Glendinning, 'Religious Beliefs and Differences', Devolution: Scottish Answers to Scottish Questions? The Third Scottish Social Attitudes Report, eds. Catherine Bromley, John Curtice, Kerstin Hinds and Alison Park, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2003, pp. 86-115
  • Catherine Bromley and John Curtice, Attitudes to Discrimination in Scotland, Edinburgh: Scottish Executive Social Research, 2003
  • Steve Bruce, Tony Glendinning, Iain Paterson and Michael Rosie, Sectarianism in Scotland, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2004
  • Michael Rosie, The Sectarian Myth in Scotland: Of Bitter Memory and Bigotry, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004
  • Steve Bruce, Tony Glendinning, Iain Paterson and Michael Rosie, 'Religious Discrimination in Scotland: Fact or Myth?', Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 28, 2005, pp. 151-68
  • Tony Glendinning and Steve Bruce, 'New Ways of Believing or Belonging: Is Religion Giving Way to Spirituality?', British Journal of Sociology, Vol. 57, 2006, pp. 399-414
  • Tony Glendinning, 'Religious Involvement, Conventional Christian and Unconventional Nonmaterialist Beliefs', Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Vol. 45, 2006, pp. 585-95
  • Steve Bruce, Scottish Gods: Religion in Modern Scotland, 1900-2012, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014

    BRIN ID: 1348


    Dataset available at ESDS as SN 4804

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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