231 respondents filled in the self-completion postal questionnaire and 85 the somewhat shorter online questionnaire
Posted by: Clive D. Field
Type of Data: Demographic profile, religious backgrounds, doctrinal beliefs and religious and lifestyle attitudes of local leaders in twelve Apostolic networks (2793)
Faith Community: Christianity (New Churches)
Date: 2004-2005
Geography: Great Britain
Sample Size: 316 (49% response)
Population: Local leaders of twelve apostolic networks (, Ground Level, Ichthus, Jesus Fellowship, Kensington Temple, Kingdom Faith, Lifelink, New Frontiers, Salt and Light, Spirit Connect/Pioneer, Together, Vineyard)
Keywords: Apostles, apostolic networks, baptism in the Spirit, baptisms, Bible, burnout, Calvinism, cells, charismata, charismatic experience, charismatic gifts, church growth,, creationism, ecumenism, evangelism, finance, funerals, glossolalia, Ground Level, healing, Holy Spirit, house groups, Ichthus, Jesus Christ, Jesus Fellowship, Kensington Temple, Kingdom Faith, Lifelink, lifestyle, ministry, miracles, mysticism, new churches, New Frontiers, payment, pension, personality, prayer, priorities, prophecy, prosperity teaching, rites of passage, Salt and Light, speaking with tongues, Spirit Connect/Pioneer, spiritual control, tithing, Together, training, Vineyard, weddings, women, workload
Collection Method: Combination of self-completion postal questionnaire and online interview
Collection Agency: William Kilbourne Kay
Published Source:
BRIN ID: 2793
231 respondents filled in the self-completion postal questionnaire and 85 the somewhat shorter online questionnaire
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…