Attitudes to personal faith and faith in public life, and to faith and environmental sustainability (4353)
Type of Data: Attitudes to personal faith and faith in public life, and to faith and environmental sustainability (4353)
Faith Community: General
Date: 2024, 31 May-2 June
Geography: United Kingdom
Sample Size: 2064
Population: Adults aged 18 and over
Keywords: Avoided telling people about my faith, balance of media portrayal of different religions, ban discharges of sewage into rivers and seas, British politicians should listen to faith leaders on socio-political issues, British politicians talking about their faith a positive thing, changed regular purchases, Christian heritage important aspect of British culture, climate change causes human suffering, concern for future generations, concern for less developed countries, concern for loved ones, concern for wildlife, desire to see less or more religion in media, donated to environmental charity, environmental sustainability, environmentalism, exclusivist, expand Ultra Low Emission Zones, faith a significant factor in influencing Western beliefs about values, faith and religion generally a force for good, friends who follow other religions, global climate change, God has given humans responsibility for caring for His creation, God is an environmentalist, God is in control, God will one day restore all of creation, good understanding of what wide variety of religions believe, government action, health concerns, humanity faces real threat of extinction, I am less interested in faith than when younger, I am more interested in faith than when younger, I believe my faith to be the only true faith, I have changed religion in my life, importance of understanding major world religions, improve recycling and reduce single use plastics, individual behaviour change, Institute for the Impact of Faith in Life, insulate all homes, international action, invest more in rail buses trams and electric vehicles, joined an environmental organization, litter picking, make Britain a green energy superpower, my faith has helped me find purpose, my faith has shaped my moral values, my faith is bound up with my cultural heritage, my faith requires me to care for the world, my faith significantly impacted way I lived, my faith will shape the way I vote in the general election, negative portrayal of religions by media, open to changing my mind about my faith, people should not talk about faith in workplace, policy commitments that would influence voting behaviour, political views, poor understanding of most religions, protests and demonstrations, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, religious affiliation, representation of other religions in films books and TV, restore waterways peat bogs and trees, someone of any faith should be able to be Prime Minister, stopped eating meat or changed transport method, tree planting or rewilding, views on climate change shaped by faith or religion, Whitestone Insight
Collection Method: Online interview
Collection Agency: Whitestone Insight
Sponsor: Institute for the Impact of Faith in Life
Published Source:
BRIN ID: 4353
The poll comprised a set of questions on attitudes to personal faith and faith in public life (replicating those asked in an earlier poll for the same sponsor on 1-2 May 2024), and attitudes to faith and environmental sustainability. Although Whitestone Insight gave the sample size as 2064 for both sections of the poll, in fact the sample size for questions on personal faith was 1383 and on faith in public life 2396, even though the fieldwork dates were the same throughout.
Posted by: Clive D. Field
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Perhaps what I wrote wasn't clear. I suggested that new immigrants are more likely than others to have a religion.…