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Religious beliefs and practices and attitudes to current issues affecting the Roman Catholic Church, with particular reference to Catholic schools and education (2177)

Type of Data: Religious beliefs and practices and attitudes to current issues affecting the Roman Catholic Church, with particular reference to Catholic schools and education (2177)

Faith Community: Christianity (Roman Catholic Church)

Date: 1977, December-1978, February

Geography: Scotland

Sample Size: 989

Population: Professing Roman Catholics aged 15 and over

Keywords: Abortion, afterlife, baptism, birth control, Catholic press, Catholic schools, celibacy, change, charity, children, Christian unity, church attendance, churchgoing, church schools, Church's teaching, confession, confirmation, contraception, converts, cradle Catholics, devil, devolution, divorce, ecumenism, English Mass, euthanasia, faith schools, financial contributions, friends, God, Holy Communion, importance of religion, income tax, infallibility, integrated schools, Jesus Christ, laity, Latin Mass, lay ministry, legislation, life after death, liturgy, marriage in church, Mass, missions, mixed marriages, nuns, ordination of married men, ordination of women, papacy, parents, parish, politics, Pope, poverty, prayer, pre-marital sex, priests, punishment, religious education, religious instruction, religious intermarriage, religious knowledge, religious organizations, religious programmes, religious sisters, religious upbringing, Resurrection, retreats, Roman Catholic Church, Roman Catholicism, Scotland, sermons, sign of peace, sin, social improvements, spiritual reading, Tridentine Mass, Vatican II, Vatican Council, vernacular, voting, women

Collection Method: Face-to-face interview

Collection Agency: Social Surveys (Gallup Poll)

Sponsor: Archdiocese of Glasgow and Diocese of Motherwell

Published Source:

  • Catholic Herald, 27 April and 4 May 1979
  • Christian World, 27 April 1979
  • The Tablet, 28 April 1979
  • Flourish, 29 April 1979

    BRIN ID: 2177


    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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