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Lives and faith of young Catholics (3840)

Type of Data: Lives and faith of young Catholics (3840)

Faith Community: Christianity (Roman Catholic Church)

Date: 2017, 20 September-18 October

Geography: England and Wales

Sample Size: 1005

Population: Self-identifying and non-identifying Roman Catholics aged 15-25

Keywords: Advice, ambitions, baptised, being good person, Bible reading, born into Catholic family, bullying, Camino House, campaigning, Catholic Church, Catholic religion, charities, closest friends, concerns, conversion, CYMFed, different religions, disasters, doubts about faith, economy, environment, excited, family, following Catholic guidelines, gender inequality, God, going to Catholic school, going to confession, good example of morals and values, happy, hopeful, human rights, hurting other people’s feelings, important decision, inspired, Jesus Christ, knowing Jesus as Saviour, Lent, lonely, Mass attendance, more harm than good, political instability, poverty, prayer, pressured to achieve, racial discrimination, read spiritual book, religious experience, Research Now, rites of passage, rules and teachings, sexual orientation, something to contribute, stress, supporting others, talk about religious things, terrorism, unsafe, value to God, valued by family, valued by friends, violence, volunteering, wars and conflicts, welcome in local Catholic parish

Collection Method: Online interview

Collection Agency: Research Now

Sponsor: Camino House and CYMFed

Published Source:

  • https://www.caminohouse.com

    BRIN ID: 3840


    Non-identifying Catholics were those who did not self-identify as Catholic but who came from a Catholic family or who had attended a Catholic school.

    Posted by: Clive D. Field

    British Religion in Numbers: All the material published on this website is subject to copyright. We explain further here.

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